The first sins revisited
Greetings, friend!
What was the first three sins of creation (mankind and other creatures capable of sin) mentioned in the Torah, the Bible and the Quran? Pride, Jealousy and Murder!
Let us discuss these two sins now.
The first creature to have pride was Satan. According to the Quran (partially quoted in different parts of the Bible and the Torah), the Creator discussed the creation of man from clay with the angels and told them to bow to this new creation in respect. The angels would do as they are instructed (like robots today) and bow in respect when Adam was presented to them.
But among the angels was another creature, one that, like mankind, got the ability to choose: what the Muslims called the jinn. Angels were created from light, jinn from fire. The leader of the jinn, Lucifer, were once able to walk among the angels in heaven.
Lucifer refused to bow. The Creator asked him why. He answered, "You created man from clay and my kind from fire. I AM SUPERIOR TO HIM." The Creator did not asked the angels or the jinn who are superior and then let the inferior creature bow to superior. No, His instructions was that when He presented Adam to them that they bow in respect! Lucifer did respect neither the Creator nor the creation whom the Creator asked to be respected. He regarded himself better and the sin of pride was presented for the first time.
What was the Creator's reaction? "Then you must leave Heaven and await your judgment at the end of time." And Lucifer's reaction? "Grant me respite until then to prove myself as superior. I will misled them all." No remorse here! The Creator granted him his request, but told him that he would not be able to touch any of mankind that serve Him only...
Lucifer, now called Satan, the Fallen One, immediately sneaked back in, change his appearance (shape shift, if you want to use a different term...) and appeared to Adam's new wife and seduce her... And gave them a reason to become proud as well: if you eat of the Tree of Knowledge of Good and Evil you will become like the Creator and the angels! This tree is your steppingstone to Heaven (and not "poison" as you were made to believe)! Eve ate, realize it is a "steppingstone" but not whereto! She offered Adam and he ate too. They then realized Satan lied to them, started feeling ashamed of themselves and tried to hide from the Creator. But once Adam heard (and saw) the Creator again, he realized they had sin and repented (unlike Satan).
Sin bears consequences and they accepted the punishment.
Now that Adam and Eve lived outside Paradise, they lived the hard way. They had children. Their first two sons, Cain and Abel, learned to serve the Creator from their father and mother.
The Creator asked for a sacrifice (burned offering) to see what their intentions were. Abel was a shepherd and Cain was a grain farmer. They brought from their belongings as a sacrifice. Both are acceptable offerings, but Cain's heard was not in the offering. Maybe he thought that those grains would have been better as food for the family... Abel's intentions were sincere when he slaughter the ram for his burn offering. He probably believed the Creator would send him more lambs the next year so that the family can eat and milk from the mothers for a nourishing drink...
When the Creator told Cain that his offering was not accepted because his intentions was wrong, he became jealous of his brother whose offering was accepted. Instead of repenting, his heart become even more hardened and he decided to follow his sin up with another sin: murder.
With his hardened heart, Cain now started to dwell on sin and so one sin lead to another. He became so enraged with jealousy and hatred that he killed his brother. The Creator came to him and asked him, "Where is your brother?" He answered Him, "I don't know. Am I my brother's keeper?" Again, NO REPENTANCE! "Your brother's blood is calling from the earth. You will be fleeing from yourself for the rest of your life."
Cain asked for protection, not repentance, and was granted a sign so that neither the angels nor his family would kill him.
When you have sinned, you always have TWO choices: you can repent and asked the Creator to forgive you (and NOT doing it again!) OR you can go from one sin to the next... and eventually, on Judgment Day, get the same judgment as Satan was promised by the Creator: eternal damnation in hell.
If you have sinned, even these three BAD sins, you can still ask the Creator for forgiveness.
"The wages of sin is death."
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do now... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers and warners
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