Conquering the promised land Part 1
Greetings, friend!
The Israelites was armed and ready to conquer the land and they would have their first fight under leadership of the Creator and Joshua within the next few days...
The men's wounds were barely healed or they would set off to Jericho, but first Joshua met the commander of the army of the Creator and received the correct instructions to conquer it. For six days they must march in silence around the city once, but on the seventh day they must march SEVEN times, but the priests must now sound the trumpets in the last round as they go around. To end off the priests must sound a long sound and then the Israelites must shout and then the walls will collapse. That would be the start of the conquest of Jericho where the Creator's army and the armed men would fight side by side killing whomsoever resisting to takeover. The only household spared was Rahab. The Creator spared her house from collapse and everyone in the household was added to the Israelites. The remainder of the city and its people and contents was destroyed in a devotional act by fire, except for the precious items (gold, silver, bronze and iron) that was added to the tabernacle stock. The city was cursed and whomsoever would rebuilt it would die at the Hand of the Creator.
But one guy greet derailed the next battle at Ai. He covet and took some of the condemned items and hide it. This caused the curse to temporarily turned on the Israelites and they lost the battle against Ai.
The Creator showed Joshua that someone was greedy. Joshua told the Israelites to re-devote themselves and the next day he had the tribes parade in front of him. The Creator showed that his own tribe, Judah, was in error. The clan of the Zerahites was shown in error. The whole clan was paraded man by man and Achan son of Carmi son of Zimri was picked. After being pointed out and confronted, he confessed his sin.
The goods stolen found buried under his tent, all his possessions and Achan himself was taken out to the valley where he was stoned, then they burned his body, his possessions and the stolen goods. Lastly, everything was covered with rocks as a remembrance of Achan's covetousness. As he stole of the condemned goods, he was now under the same curse pronounced over the city and have to die the same way the people of the condemned city died.
They went back to Ai and also destroyed the city with fire. The covenant was renewed at Mount Ebal near Ai.
But some of the people of the land was very canny...
Do you covet things that does not belong to you? Are you greedy? Are you taking / stealing things that belongs to someone else?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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