Joseph and his brothers
Greetings, friend!
Today, I am discussing Joseph and his brothers.
Joseph was Jacob's beloved son by his beloved wife, Rachel. He loved him more than the other children from the other wives along with, but to a lesser extend, his brother Benjamin. These two sons were the only two sons Rachel were able to give him before she died giving birth to Benjamin (she called him Ben-Oni -son of my pain - as she died while Jacob called him Ben-Jamin - son of my right hand).
He loved Joseph so much that he gave him a special multi-colored coat. On top of it, Joseph dreamed some dreams that added to the problem.
This favoritism caused much jealousy among his other (half) brothers. So much so that they decided to get rid of him. They convinced Jacob to leave him with them while Jacob's attention is busy elsewhere... They first conspire to kill him, but one of the other brothers say no, let us sell him as a slave. So he was left in an old well and taken as slave goods to Egypt. While that happen, the brothers killed a goat and used the blood to stain Joseph's beautiful coat. They presented the coat to Jacobs under the pretense that a wolf caught Joseph while they were playing and he was watching their clothes...
What they did not know is that the Creator allowed this to happen to help them shortly...
In Egypt the chief minister of Pharaoh bought him and he grew up in his house. He grew up into a BEAUTIFUL man. In fact many people said he was the most beautiful man ever. This made his master's wife lust after him. Joseph refused her attention and eventually landed up in jail because of that.
In jail he grew in favor with the guards and was put in charge of the prisoners. He met Pharaoh's baker and cup bearer that was cast into jail by Pharaoh for minor offences. One night they both had dreams. They told Joseph their dreams and Joseph interpret it for them. He asked the cup bearer to relay his history to Pharaoh hoping to get redeemed. The baker was hanged the next day and the cup bearer was reinstated. Unfortunately the cup bearer forgot Joseph's request and Joseph stayed some more years in prison.
One night Pharaoh had a series of dreams, but his sorcerers could not interpret them. The cup bearer remembered Joseph and after Joseph's name was cleared, Joseph interpret Pharaoh's dreams.
Pharaoh's dreams predicted a 7 year abundance followed by a 7 year drought and famine so bad that they would forget the abundance that they had. Joseph request to help the king to store the excess grain for the time when they would need it. The king appointed him as chief minister (in the place of his former slave owner).
The drought came and even Jacob's family had it so bad that they were in dire need of food. They heard there was food in Egypt and Jacob sent his ten sons to get them food, keeping Benjamin at home with him.
In Egypt Joseph recognize his brothers, but they obviously not. He asked about their families and obviously learned that there are supposed to be twelve sons, one father and four mothers, but that one of the sons and one of the mothers died. After receiving their quota Joseph told them to bring Benjamin with their next trip or they would not get any provisions. He purposely refund them their merchandise secretly - they only found it when they were back home!
Jacob was stubborn to let the only son left from his beloved wive to go, but he could not deny the Egyptian minister as they were in a bad famine. Since their merchandise were returned, they now could easily secure more provisions anyway.
Joseph received them, met his brother after all the years and gave them the extra provisions. He sneaked his special cup into his brother's bag and sent them home.
A short distance away they found that Joseph's translator and slave was pursuing them. He told them the cup was stolen and whomsoever had it in his possession would become the minister's slave as punishment for theft. The cup was found in Benjamin's bag. His one brother plead for him, but the law is the law. This brother sent his brothers home and told them to tell Jacob what happened.
Jacob was so struck by this incident that he became blind from grief. Shortly afterwards their food ran out again. Their merchandise was nearly finished and they came to Joseph and begged him for food for the family. Joseph saw the state they were in and learned what happened to his father. He decided to reveal himself so that the family can come to Egypt and that he could care for them. He send one of his shirts with his smell on it to his father so his father would know he is still alive.
Touching the shirt after hearing the news, cleared his blindness. Jacob and his family moved to Egypt and Joseph cared for them until he died.
1. Do you practice favoritism? You need to realize that this would cause a lot of problems, even if you got reason to do that.
2. Are someone favorited above you? Are you jealous of them? Maybe the Creator got a better plan for you both!
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers and warners
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