Ruth joins the Israelites and the Creator's plan
Greetings, friend!
Soon the Israelites were settling in and their lives went on...
A famine came to the promised land. A man from the tribe of Judah living in Bethlehem, migrated with his wife, Naomi, and two sons to Moab, one of the heathen areas. The man died while living in Moab. His sons married young women from Moab. After about ten years the two sons also died.
The widow heard that the famine was over and decided to go back. Her two daughters-in-law came with her. She told them to go back to Moab. The one daughter-in-law turned around, but the other one, Ruth, said, "Don't urge me to leave you. Where you go I will go. Where you stay I will stay. Your people will be my people and your God is my God. Where you die I will die and there I will be buried. May the Creator deal with me, be it ever so severely, if anything but death separates you and me."
They went to Bethlehem at the start of the barley harvest and was welcomed there. Naomi told them to not call her Naomi anymore, but they must call her Mara, because the Creator made her life bitter.
Naomi sent Ruth to the grounds of one of her husband's relatives. His name was Boaz. Boaz told the harvesters to give her more as she is family and allow her to rest under the shade meant for them.
When the harvest was almost over, Naomi told Ruth to go and rest with Boaz under his blanket during the afternoon nap and then tell him that he is the redeemer for her mother-in-law. He told her that there is one closer than him, but that he would sort it out for them.
Boaz went to the gates of the city to the judges there and approached the close redeemer and told him of Naomi and Ruth. As Ruth is a foreigner the close redeemer did not want to redeem Naomi and marry Ruth. So the judges became witnesses to the fact that the close redeemer sold his redeemer right to Boaz. Boaz married Ruth and redeemed Naomi as stipulated by the law of redemption for brothers - if one brother die, his brother or closest male relative must buy the brother's property and marry the widow to continue the dead brother's legacy.
This legacy procedure saw Ruth became the mother of the grandfather of one of the greatest leaders and prophets revered by Jews, Christians and Muslims alike: David.
More about that tomorrow...
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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