Thursday, October 22, 2020

Daniel, prophet of the Creator


Daniel, prophet of the Creator

Greetings, friend!

Daniel, a member of the royal house of Israel, that lived in exile, was selected by Nebuchadnezzar along with his fellow family members, Hananiah, Mishael, Azariah and others for preferential treatment to become servants for him. They received food and training from the king's chief official. As they would become leaders in the Babylonian royal household, these four also received new Babylonian names: Belteshazzar, Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego.

Daniel approached the chief official shortly after selection and asked him not to feed him and his four relatives from the royal table, but rather just feed them fruit, vegetables and water for ten days to test them. If they are better than those who just ate meat and wine from the royal table, they would join continue with the special diet, but if not, they would rejoin the rest. As expected, after ten days the four leaders were healthier, more nourished and even wiser than the rest. Furthermore, the Creator gave them a spirit of knowledge.

After the ten days the king selected the four relatives for royal officials due to the fact that they were far superior in knowledge than the rest of them.

His prophetic knowledge were revealed when Nebuchadnezzar had a prophetic dream and having trouble interpreting it. He insisted NOT to tell the dream to test is servants too. His wise men was nearly put to death, but Daniel asked for time to consult the Creator about this. After a night of fasting and prayer by the four relatives, the Creator revealed the dream and interpretation to Daniel. Daniel went to the king and told him his dream and its interpretation. It was a statue representing the different eras of the world to come.

Unfortunately, this dream became an obsession with Nebuchadnezzar and he created an idol of it. He declared a royal decree that whomsoever that are not worshiping the statue would be put to death by fire. Daniel was away on an assignment for the king, but the his three relatives refused to serve anyone else than the Creator. They were thrown in the furnace that was made hotter due to their stubbornness in their belief. The Creator sent his angel to protect them and the fire did not even left a smell on them. This lead to the conversion of Nebuchadnezzar from idol worshiper to Creator worshiper.

Shortly after this Nebuchadnezzar was tested by the Creator and he became temporarily insane due to the fact that he after a short while he did not acknowledge the hand of the Creator in giving him his splendor. After seven seasons he came to his senses and acknowledge the Creator and was restored.

After this Nebuchadnezzar gave a massive banquet and in his drunkenness he ordered that the holy vessels from the temple must be brought out to be used for the guests and himself. Suddenly a hand appeared and wrote a message on the wall. No one could interpret the message and the king became terrified to death. The queen remember the abilities of Daniel and reminded the king of his abilities. The king summoned for Daniel to come and interpret the message. It was a judgment message from the Creator: counted, counted, weighted and divided. He was tested by the Creator twice and found wanting. Therefore his kingdom will be divided between the Medes and Persians. That very night he lost his kingdom and he died at the hand of king Darius ruler of the Medes.

120 officials and three administrators (one of them Daniel) was appointed by Darius to continue the rule of the kingdom. As Daniel excelled, the other 122 officials became jealous of him. As they know that he excelled in everything he do, they decided to set a trap on religious grounds. The went to the king and have him issue a decree that there would be 30 days of royal worship and that none but the king must be worshiped in those days. Anyone who don't adhere must be thrown for the lions. When Daniel heard the decree, he went into his chambers, open his windows and prayed to the Creator. He was arrested and thrown into the lions' den. But the Creator sent an angel to protect him (just like his relatives in the furnace). The next day the king came to the den and inquire to hear if Daniel is still alive. As the Creator protected him, he was removed from the den and the accusers and their families was thrown into the den. The lions killed them even before they reached the bottom. This made Darius turned to the Creator and made it official.

He received several prophetic messages. (Remember prophetic messages are NOT necessary chronological, both in nature or recording.)

His messages summarized are:

1. Four beasts raising from the sea followed by a judgment representing four great kingdoms of the world and Judgment Day at the end of days.
2. A ram and a goat representing the powers before the end of days.
3. Seventy prophetic year weeks announced for Israel - the last just before the end of days.
4. King of the south and king of the north and their reign just before the end of days.
5. Encouragement for believers during the time just before the end of days.

These and more prophecies are recorded in the book of Daniel in the Torah and the Bible.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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