Thursday, November 19, 2020

End of days 1


End of days 1

Greetings, friend!

As I said, I will pay special attention to prophecies about the end of days from today.

Today I am speaking about the SIGNS of the end of days as predicted by Yeshua in Matthew 24 and related passages before I am proceeding to the actual prophecies of Revelation.

1. Many false Messiahs (but not yet THE False Messiah). How many has proclaimed that they are chosen? Too many to mention!
2. Wars and rumors of wars. Nowadays if you listen to the news, there are more and more conflict in the world.
3. Famines. The latest famine is related to the poor across the world that are neglected due to COVID-19! How many? Millions!
4. Earthquakes. According to this website, there were 48 earthquakes in the 24 hours before I posted this! That is TWO every hour! And most of them are either linked to nearby faults or volcanoes. Yes, their are lots of volcanoes erupting lately mostly in the so-called Ring of Fire. And many of the dormant ones, including the super volcano of Yellowstone National Park in the USA, are getting ready to erupt.
5. Persecution of ALL believers (not just Christians, but also Jews and Muslims too). The fact is, if you are not either atheist or a worshiper of Satan, you are considered an enemy by those who serve Satan - and his underground kingdom is currently rising up!
6. Many believers will leave their faith. They are either disappointed by the persecution or Satan's whispers is getting louder than their own conscience and beliefs.
7. False prophets. Again, there are too many to mention!
8. Increase of wickedness. Everywhere this is seen. People due to hunger or whatever reason starting to resort to theft, corruption, murder and whatever other crimes or sins you can think of.
9. Spreading of the true faiths. The three core faiths, Judaism, Christianity and Islam, are spreading fast to give good news to the disillusioned masses, but not all who join them are sincere... And most of them are deaf to the call...
10. Abomination that causes desolation. According to Daniel, this is a massive idol (a statue of the False Messiah) that will appear. This post talks about a statue of Melania Trump and this post about one for Donald Trump in Slovenia! I consider Donald Trump as the False Messiah as he proclaimed himself "I am the chosen one" HERE. And America as the Beast. (More about that next time).

As ALL these signs are fulfilled THIS year, I consider us as already in the last year week declared for the true believers by Daniel in the Torah and the Bible (chapter 9 to 12 is about this last year week corresponding to Revelation).

Islam listed more signs in the Middle East, but these needs special notice here:

1. The appearance of black banners in the Middle East.
2. The return of the Mahdi, a descendant of Mohammad (peace and blessings be upon him).
3. Stay at home trial (we are in it now - the COVID-19 lockdowns) and its consequences.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Are you ready for the Great Tribulation?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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