Monday, November 30, 2020

End of days 6


End of days 6

Greetings, friend!

Today I am speaking about the vision of Revelation 14.

This vision comes as part of an interlude between events in this prophecy of the end of days. This is important as you would notice in the original language that there is a change of pace between Revelation 11 and Revelation 15.

John the beloved disciple saw two crowds and three angels.

The first crowd are 144,000. This is the SECOND group of 144,000 he saw. The first appeared in Revelation 7. These are two different groups of people. The first belongs to Israel and are the very faithful ones / martyrs from the past (before the times of Revelation). This second group is different as they are not just from Israel and are from the end of times. You have to look "out of the box" here. I looked around and found the best description for them in Islam: they are all the prophets from Adam, the first prophet, to the last one (re)appearing in the end times. The last part of verse 4 says, "They were purchased from among men and offered as first fruits to the Creator and the Lamb." First fruits were the special offering made from the very first part of the yield of a season (Leviticus 23 verse 9 to 14). Noticed that the description of the first group of 144,000 lack this clarification. This would fit the description of a prophet too: they are normally the first of their generation that believed correctly in the Creator and the other statements are also true: they are not defiled in any way (women is the symbol of idolatry), there are no lies found in them and they are blameless / considered without sin. (No one are exempted from sin, but the key is repentance which includes abstaining from it afterwards.)

The three angels are heavenly messengers that would take over from the last two prophets that reappear during the end of times. Very few people listened to the last two prophets (which is too little to mention) and even less listened to these angels.

The last group of people are a massive, uncountable group of people called the Harvest. A similar group appears in Revelation 7 too. The first group are the believers who were redeemed at a certain point during the end of times. See Revelation 7 verse 14 - this happened during the SIX SEAL. Some people would call this the rapture. This second great multitude are martyrs that died at the hand of the beast during the third and final world war. Revelation 14 verse 20 talks of blood. Also read about this war in Daniel 11 and Ezekiel 39.

Tomorrow we will discuss the first seal of Revelation 6 verse 2 and who or what this might be.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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