Tuesday, November 17, 2020

Yeshua, special prophet of the Creator


Yeshua, special prophet of the Creator

Greetings, friend!

Yeshua was a special anointed prophet of the Creator. He was one of two special messengers - the other was his cousin, John. He is also known as Jesus. They lived in the time of king Herod, a heathen king that controlled the area around the Dead Sea, who were under the Roman Emperor. He was a descendant from king David. Many of you gave him divination due to his special anointing.

He was born miraculously as recorded in the Torah, Bible and Quran after his birth was announced to his mother whom the Quran also shown to be of miraculous birth, by the angel Gabriel. The Quran revealed another fact: after his birth he spoke in the cradle to prove his mother's innocence so she would not be condemned as an adulterer. Joseph, apparently an elderly widower, then took her in to cover her shame and to be a stepfather for the young child and the father of some other children by his mother.

He was baptized by his cousin John to fulfill the commandment of the Creator and to start his career as special prophet. As Yeshua was baptized the Creator acknowledged him as a special anointed messenger whereafter he was tested by Satan in the desert.

He did many miraculous signs with permission of the Creator and he spoke openly on even more occasions confronting the Israelites about their various sins. He also spoke several times about the end of days.

The Bible describe the apparent condemnation and killing of him on a cross and the apparent death of him and Judas Iscariot during the same weekend. The Quran tells a story of deceit of this Passover and the fact that his half-brother Judas (the Iscariot) look just like him and Judas took his place (like a scapegoat in the tradition of Israel) on the cross and Yeshua was taken to heaven awaiting the completion of his life during the end of days. (The name Iscariot comes actually from the Hebrew ISCARIOTH meaning DELIVERER or SCAPEGOAT. It was changed to ISCARIOT meaning BETRAYER by later generations.) The only way according to the Quranic tradition you could distinguish between Yeshua and Judas was the mark of the prophet on Yeshua's shoulder. (All prophets have a special distinguishing mark on the shoulder so that they were known as prophets from birth.)

He still got to return and complete his life and fulfill the prophecies about him during the end of days.

His prophecies, history and his future, as well as the history and writings of his disciples, are recorded in the books of the New Testament in the Bible.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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