End of days 12: Seal 6
Greetings, friend!
Today I am speaking about the sixth seal of Revelation 6.
John saw an earthquake, the sun turned black, the moon turned red, stars fell from the sky, the sky roll up like a scroll and every mountain and island was removed. The people fled to the mountains calling out that the great day of wrath had come, but don't call on the Creator.
The is a BIG culmination of events and these events happened on ONE day (and could be extended to several days or weeks or even months).
1. The sun turned black: time is running out for our sun. Shortly hydrogen fusion that produced light will stop due to a lack of hydrogen. As the sun would consist then mainly of helium and heavier elements, helium fusion would take place. Fusing two helium atoms would produce beryllium. This fusion does NOT produce light, but it does produce heat.
What is beryllium?
Beryllium is light, silver-gray, relatively soft metal that is strong but brittle. Beryllium has the highest melting point of the light metals, melting at 1278 oC – considerably higher than, for example, Lithium (180 oC) Sodium (98 oC) Magnesium (650 oC) Aluminum (660 oC) or Calcium (839 oC).
Source: chemicool.com
This element is highly toxic and we would see from the coming events that it would be a major killer. It causes damage to the lungs much, much worse than the silica that causes thysis (a type of non-contagious tuberculosis) in mine workers.
2. The moon will turn red: blood moons are signs of the Creator to inform people of coming judgment events. We had quite a few in the past years. These are normally caused by dust in the atmosphere when the moon are closer to earth. But these red moons will be constant and will be due to the beryllium in the solar wind hitting the atmosphere.
3. The stars will fall from the sky. We have meteor showers all year around, but these are bigger rocks or asteroids that travels thru the solar system that occasionally get captured by the earth's magnetosphere and sometimes get hurled to hit the ground. They can even cause explosions in the upper atmosphere. There are more and more of these asteroids discovered that could cause close earth encounters. Obviously as these asteroids paths get bend by the magnetosphere they are getting closer and closer to a collision course with Earth.
4. The sky roll up like a scroll: this is a description of an event that made the sky appears like a scroll. Smoke from a volcano erupting could be one such event, especially if the eruption is massive (like if Yellowstone's super volcano would erupt very shortly).
5. Every mountain and island is removed. This sounds too much to me like the result of earthquakes and volcanoes. Currently the Ring of Fire volcanoes are erupting on a regular basis. These volcanoes are also lying on a major fault in the earth's crust. We are entering into a stage of the earth's history where we also have an increased earthquake activity especially on and around major faults like the Ring of Fire, the San Andrea's Fault, the great African rift, Mariana Trench, etc. Just Google "earthquakes today" and you would be surprised at the amount of earthquakes that are actually happening right now!
6. People fleeing to so-called safe areas. Every country with a major fault line, like America, has so-called safe areas where people can go to during earthquakes. These areas will be flooded with people during these times.
7. People not calling on the Creator for help. As said yesterday, after the number of martyrs are full, Satan would be the new god of the earth. This is the first time in Revelation that people would not call on the Creator for help and rather try and save them themselves.
Next time we will discuss the seventh seal of Revelation 8 verse 1 to 5 and who or what this might be.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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