End of days 14: Trumpet 1 & 2
Greetings, friend!
Today I am speaking about the first and second trumpet of Revelation 8. They are related.
John saw something like hail and fire mixed with blood hurled upon the Earth causing destruction of a third of every resource around the globe.
This sounds like an erupting volcano or super volcano. The super volcano at Yellowstone National Park is already rumbling and scientists knows that it can erupt anytime, the size of the eruption is not known yet. Other similar volcanoes are also rumbling.
The term "supervolcano" implies a volcanic center that has had an eruption of magnitude 8 on the Volcano Explosivity Index (VEI), meaning that at one point in time it erupted more than 1,000 cubic kilometers (240 cubic miles) of material... Explosive events of this size erupt so much magma that a circular-shaped collapse feature, called a caldera, forms above the evacuated magma storage region.
The largest (super) eruption at Yellowstone (2.1 million years ago) had a volume of 2,450 cubic kilometers...
Other caldera-forming volcanoes that have produced exceedingly large pyroclastic eruptions in the past 2 million years include Long Valley in eastern California, Valles Caldera in New Mexico, Toba in Indonesia, and Taupo in New Zealand. Taupo erupted 22,600 years ago and is the most recent supereruption on Earth (with a volume of about 1,130 cubic kilometers).
Additional volcanoes capable of producing supereruptions include the large caldera volcanoes of Japan, Indonesia, and South America.
What would happen if more than one of these, say Yellowstone or Long Valley in the USA and Taupo or Toba on the other side of the world erupt at maximum TOGETHER? It would be worse than Hiroshima on both sides of the world! No power, no internet (most computer servers for the internet is based in the USA), no sunshine as the atmosphere would be covered with the massive plumage of BOTH volcanoes, etc. etc. etc.... A massive nightmare will expand from each volcano around the world! And the aftereffects would be even more devastating as the caldera in the USA would make the USA a super lake eventually filling with either fresh or most probably sea water and the one in Oceania would remove it totally off the map (it is already halfway off the map after a previous explosion of Toba).
Then John saw a mountain that is on fire thrown in the sea. The water turned the color of blood and a lot of sea creatures died and a lot of ships were destroyed.
Again this is another volcano, but it is a remote island that disappears after an eruption. This causes a tsunami that throws a lot of sea creatures out of the water in different locations and destroys ships in the vicinity affected by the tsunami. The water turns red from the hot lava (whose color is red) and probably from chemicals in the volcano that is spewed out. These chemicals can be poisonous and cause further deaths of sea creatures.
Next time we will discuss the third trumpet of Revelation 8 verse 10 and 11 and what this might be.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do...
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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