Monday, January 11, 2021

End of days 19: Trumpet 7 & 7 bowls of wrath


End of days 19: Trumpet 7 & 7 bowls of wrath

Greetings, friend!

Today I am speaking about the sixth trumpet and first woe of Revelation 11 and 14, as well as the bowls of wrath of Revelation 15 and 16.

John saw heaven announcing and preparing for the takeover of Earth's government. The door to heaven opens and the heavenly ark of the covenant (of which the one that resided in the temple of Jerusalem is a copy) became visible symbolizing that the Creator's reign will start soon. Earth replied with flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder, an earthquake and a great hailstorm.

After this three messenger angels started to fly in mid-air announcing the coming events and appealing for anyone who wants to join the believers. For a very short while, while they are prophesying, there were still time to join the believers and the martyrs. Very few, if any, joined this last call. Probably none, as those who are left on Earth had already a while ago decided to follow Satan and the last human prophets already died and joined the martyrs. But that's the Creator in His infinite mercy: giving mankind another chance to return by sending his messenger angels...

As they conclude their final prophesies and return to the Creator, the first harvester angel appears like a man on a cloud. (Harvester angels appear at the time of wars and plagues. They are part of the army of the angel of Death.) Another harvester angel appears from the heavenly temple and another from the heavenly altar. The Final War of mankind has started. Whomsoever is still on Earth are under the Creator's wrath and will be taken by force by these three angels to meet their judgment and doom in the final days of this age. This will be followed by the seven last plagues from the bowls of wrath to complete the final judgment on the unbelieving nations before the great Judgment Day.

Finally, the seven angels with the last bowls of wrath (they are also part of the army of the angel of Death) are getting ready to fulfill the final judgments.

This concludes the third and final woe.

Now we will discuss the bowls of wrath of Revelation 16 verse 2 and what this might be.

First bowl: this bowl was poured out on the land causing painful sores. This could be the fallout plague after a massive super volcano eruption or even the struck of Wormwood...

Second bowl: this bowl was poured out on the sea and it became blood causing widespread death. This is also connected to the first bowl.

Third bowl: this bowl was poured out the rivers and springs and they also became blood. This is also connected to the first bowl.

Fourth bowl: this bowl was poured out on the sun whose heat was turned up dramatically. Remember I said that shortly the sun will turn from hydrogen fusion to helium fusion. This is part of that.

Fifth bowl: this bowl was poured out on the throne of the beast and his kingdom was plunged in darkness. The first bowl would cause massive power outages which would probably never repaired as most technicians might be dead...

Sixth bowl: this bowl was poured out on the river Euphrates and the water dried up to become a highway. Three evil spirits also came out of the dragon to perform miracles and prepare the world for the final battle on the plains of Armageddon. The drying up of the river (also partially caused by the fourth bowl) is a sign to the dragon (country of the final ruler) to send ambassadors to the biggest countries in the world to prepare their armies to try and kill the coming rider on a white horse (see tomorrow).

Seventh bowl: this bowl was poured out into the air. A voice came from the temple announcing the completion of the final bowls of judgement. Earth replied again with flashes of lightning, rumblings, peals of thunder and a severe earthquake that caused the great city of Babylon to split in three and causing the other cities to collapse, as well as flattening the Earth totally. Massive hailstones of about 50 kg (or about half an imperial ton) fell too.

Next time we will discuss the appearance of the rider on a white horse and his reign of 1,000 years (the final age of mankind) of Revelation 19 verse 11 to Revelation 20 verse 6 and what this might be.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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