Monday, January 18, 2021

End of days 23: Return of the leaders


End of days 23: Return of the leaders

Greetings, friend!

Today I am answering the question: when will Yeshua and the Mahdi come to reign?

This is a good question with many answers as provided by different prophets. There are also many different misinterpretations of some prophets' words.

TWO Biblical interpretations are possible:

1. Revelation 6 verse 9 to 17 - making them leaving with the last of the martyrs. Then Revelation 7 verse 1 to 8 (for Yeshua) and verse 9 to 17 (for the Mahdi) could tie in here: this is then part of their (final) harvest of believing souls from the Great Tribulation.
2. Revelation 11 verse 3 to 13 - making them the two people last to die.

The problem with the last option is that a man cannot die twice... And most people believes they have died during their first (physical) visit and life on Earth... If they did not (which is another possibility for both of them), then this option is viable.

So, arguing again on what can and cannot happen, I would favor the FIRST option - with the emphasis on LEAVING WITH THE LAST OF THE MARTYRS. And that the two witnesses would be two prophets that haven't died yet returning to meet their final destiny. "All man will die," says all the religious books...

Of the other prophets, one prophet with DETAILED signs is the special prophet Mohammad (blessings upon him). His prophecies stated that these two would reign at the same time: Yeshua from Jerusalem, Israel / Palestine and the Mahdi from Makkah, Saudi Arabia. In fact, he says the moment people recognize the false Messiah / Antichrist in the new temple in Jerusalem (declaring himself as God and erect a statue of himself there before returning to his own country), the Mahdi will be at the Black Stone on the corner of the holiest building, the Kaba, in Makkah. Yeshua will then appear shortly after that to guide the people to correct worship of the Creator in Jerusalem.

So what are the signs foretold by Mohammad?

1.      Stay-at-home trial. (We are currently experiencing this: the worldwide lockdowns due to COVID-19.)

2.      Few men will have knowledge of the true religion but many will recite the holy Books.

3.      Banks will all subject to usury while Mohammad** has abolished it. Even so-called Sharia banks are under control of the World Bank which is a bank using usury.

4.      Lack of trustworthiness.

5.      The abasement of Arabs and Islam. This applies to Judaism and Christianity as well (the so-called Great Tribulation).

6.      The estrangement of Islam. This applies to Judaism and Christianity as well. In fact ALL religions serving ONE Creator.

7.      Refusal to judge according to the laws revealed by the Creator.

8.      Skyscrapers.

9.      The shortening of time. Years will feel like months, months like weeks, weeks like days, days like hours and hours like a few minutes...

10.  Many earthquakes (and they will be increasing in quantity and intensity).

11.  Muslims and other religious people will start imitate the West. Or, to be more exact, the strayed part of the Western culture. The straight part of it follow the guidelines of the Creator regarding lifestyle, clothing, etc.

12.  Women who are clothed but are naked, i.e. their clothing is of such a nature that you can see everything, e.g. transparent clothes, very short, tight dresses and very scrap swimsuits (bikinis, etc.) in public.

13.  Killer airplanes and terror associated by them.

14.  Recording machines.

15.  Spying devices.

16.  Wild beasts speaking.

17.  The learned will be removed from society so that only the ignorant remain.

18.  A time will come when the majority of people will be European. This is already slowly happening due to the COVID-19 virus. The virus, a manufactured one, is meant to target mostly blacks and Chinese, though other races aren't excluded, to kill them off. Just check the ethnic statistics via Google.

19.  Lies will be accepted as truth and truth as lies. The treacherous will be trusted and the trusted will be thought treacherous. And unrighteous will speak about public affairs.

20.  Unbelievers will start reciting the holy Books without living the associated life.

21.  Old idols are worshiped again. Mammon is one of them.

22.  Abundance of wealth will be that there will be none to benefit from the tithe or the zakat.

23.  There will be 40 to 50 women for every man. This will eventually happen after the virus and its mutations are worked out.

24.  Fornication, even in the middle of the street for all to see.

25.  Alcoholism.

26.  Music will become overwhelming. Music was abolished by Mohammad as it is associated with Satan, except for reciting the Quran in a melodious voice and beating the duff drum for festivals and marriages.

27.  People would wish to be dead rather than alive and able to praise the Creator.

28.  Insincerity in pilgrimage (Hajj/Umrah). Instead of for the Creator and to get nearer to Him, it will be done for show.

29.  Prayers will be insincerely and boastfully instead of humbly.

30.  Prayers will be done while in an unclean (spiritually impure) state.

31.  Everybody follow the innovations of the forefathers instead of what is revealed. This is true for all religions where there are sects that are different from the norm.

32.  Gold will be found in the Euphrates. (Gold artifacts has been uncovered in March 2009. Report HERE.)

33.  Income derived from unclean sources, like bribery, robbery, murder, etc.

34.  Fellow believers cannot be trusted due to "wolves in sheep's clothing".

35.  Booty becomes common property.

36.  Trusts are treated as booty.

37.  Donations (zakat or tithe) is treated as a fine.

38.  A man obeys his wife and disobeys his mother.

39.  A man is amiable to his friend and harsh to his father.

40.  Voices are raised in religious buildings (mosques, churches, temples). Not just the loud saying "Hallelujah" and "Alhumdullillah", but real shouting not to glorify the Creator.

41.  The leader of the people are the worst of them.

42.  A man is honored out of fear of what he could do, like the Mafia.

43.  Silk is a common material worn by men and women alike.

44.  The last in the community cursed the first.

45.  Sexually transmitted diseases becomes incurable (AIDS).

46.  The appearance of black banners in the East.

As you can see, almost all of these signs are already visible in the world. Are we ready? Watch Jerusalem after the new temple is completed! The false Messiah / Antichrist will appear shortly after that...

Next time we will discuss the question: when will their reign end?

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator 



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