Wednesday, January 20, 2021

End of days 24: Martyrdom of the leaders


End of days 24: Martyrdom of the leaders

Greetings, friend!

Today I am answering the question: when will Yeshua and the Mahdi's reign end?

Taking from our last discussion:

TWO Biblical interpretations are possible:

1. Revelation 6 verse 9 to 17 - making them leaving with the last of the martyrs. Then Revelation 7 verse 1 to 8 (for Yeshua) and verse 9 to 17 (for the Mahdi) could tie in here: this is then part of their (final) harvest of believing souls from the Great Tribulation.
2. Revelation 11 verse 3 to 13 - making them the two people last to die.

The problem with the last option is that a man cannot die twice... And most people believes they have died during their first (physical) visit and life on Earth... If they did not (which is another possibility for both of them), then this option is viable.

So, arguing again on what can and cannot happen, I would favor the FIRST option - with the emphasis onLEAVING WITH THE LAST OF THE MARTYRS. And that the two witnesses would be two prophets that haven't died yet returning to meet their final destiny. "All man will die," says all the religious books...

If option 1 is true, they would leave with the earthquake of the last trumpet. If option 2 is true, their ministry would end after just THREE DAYS at the hand of the False Messiah / Antichrist himself.

Both of these prophets haven't lived a proper life (married, get children, etc.) as their ministry was cut short abruptly... ALL the other prophets had a long and full life with their wife and children. And both of them apparently died during that short time and never got married. Both of them were promised that they would COMPLETE their life at a later stage, during the end of days. I say they APPARENTLY died as they "disappeared" and was PRESUMED dead. There are, in both cases, also an argument for the fact that they might have been taken away by the Creator and another given their appearance to die. Then LEAVING with the last martyrs could also be interpreted DYING with the last martyrs for option 1.

This conclude our series on the end of days and our revisiting the different prophecies and history from Adam to Revelation and beyond. From now on, we would only post updates, as needed.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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