Breaking News: April 4, 2021
Greetings, friend!
Firstly, there is some good news from my system programmer. Our blog will stay, but she created a very nice splash page and a good landing page to promote us. We now have a SUBSCRIPTION SERVICE where I will deliver these updates from next month via her newsletter service to whomsoever subscribe. I will have more to say too as many links will slowly disappear in future as the Antichrist will start taking down pages that are considered negative for his image. Until then, I will continue to post here. Please subscribe as soon as possible. The splash page got a link to the INDEX page above and the current HOME page will send visitors to the splash page to register in future.
Here is another full update since the last update and the latest headlines to consider regarding end times.
1. You are safe. Wrong! MORE. 2. War in the Middle East is far off. Wrong! MORE and MORE. PLEASE NOTE: These militants are from the rebellious SHIA FACTION of Islam, not of the more correct SUNNI path. We MUST distinguish this! The Sunnis are peaceful and stick to the correct religion. The Shias are like the old Klu Klux Khan faction. Totally wayward! All Islam are NOT the same, though they want you to believe it is!
3. You can't be traced where you are. Wrong! Even your eyes have a ID trace everywhere! MORE. 4. True religions are growing. Wrong! EVERY true religion (Judaism, Christianity and Islam) has been shrinking in numbers, even though there are growth in some areas. MORE. It even affect the things and places you buy from. MORE. Yes, we need a revival in all three core religions urgently. MORE. 5. Your gender is safe. Not anymore. MORE.
Are you ready for what is about to come?
warnings can disappear anytime without notice!
Furthermore, I got some articles available for you, if you are interested:
1. How a Super Sun Flare can destruct the Earth.
2. The Invisible World War III.
3. The days of Noah AGAIN (including the article What caused the Deluge in the days of Noah? from another source). (Just in case these get removed.)
4. Who are you serving? (Just in case it gets removed.)
5. Preparation for times coming. (Just in case it gets removed.)
6. 7 Plagues ravishing the planet right now. (Just in case it gets removed.)
Just contact us and request the particular article. Details on the INDEX age.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you! The Muslims says that one day the sun will come up in the West and that after that there would be no more redemption even if we repent and change a million times! It is better to be ready and prepared NOW!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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