Sunday, August 08, 2021

Announcement #4: NEW article service just for you!


Announcement #4

Greetings, friend!


We realize a lot of you can't wait for us to send you articles we told you about. There are just too many to list for you anyway - over 200 items already! So we made a plan.

In future you can view and download it immediately by going to the ARTICLES link above! You will be linked to our Google Drive where you can view and download a copy of the articles, photos and videos you're interested. We have uploaded several other articles and videos that you may be interested in too. You may download as many as you want to, even all of them.

To make it easier for you ALL videos are in the easier to use smaller MP4 version. Any audios loaded in future will be in MP3 format too. ALL articles are also in PDF format to save space. We realize that some of you are limited on data and time.


Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator