Breaking News: February 1, 2023
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Lastly, remember our ARTICLES service. This service INCLUDES a copy of our END TIMES articles and SPECIAL articles in the WEBSITE folder. Special news flashes are also available for quick access. Other folders are available for more articles.
Here is another update since the PREVIOUS update in October 2022 and the latest headlines to consider regarding end times. Many apologies for the long gap. Time is flying and my secretary was ill for quite a while. (Remember, I'm a VERY OLD TIMER. I need someone who knows about computers...)
1. Civil unrest is preparing the way for the Antichrist / False Messiah / Dajjal. MORE.
2. Ex-gays are condemned by the LGBT+ world. MORE and MORE.
3. If you're a believer you are risking your life. MORE and MORE.
4. Doomsday Clock is ticking closer to midnight and apocalypse. MORE.
5. Most people are living under the breadline. MORE.
6. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is getting more and more acceptable and intelligent. MORE.
7. World economy is collapsing. MORE.
8. Biblical alliances (East, West, South and North) are busy joining forces. MORE.
9. Next pandemic is on its way. MORE.
10. Persecution is getting more and more. MORE and MORE.
11. Famine is increasing around the world. MORE and MORE.
12. The amount of true believers are decreasing drastically. MORE and MORE and MORE.
13. Climate change lie broadens. MORE.
14. Controlled cities (controlled by the new world government) are increasing. MORE.
15. Schools are getting indoctrination zones for LGBT+ false religion. (Yes, it is!) MORE and MORE.
16. Murder gets a new name: euthanasia. MORE.
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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