Breaking News: June 28, 2023
Greetings, friend!
Firstly, please REGISTER for
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corrected as the previous link has been replaced.)
Lastly, remember our ARTICLES service. This service INCLUDES a copy of our END TIMES articles and SPECIAL articles in the WEBSITE folder. Special news flashes are also available for quick access. Other folders are available for more articles.
Here is another update since the PREVIOUS update in February 2023 and the latest headlines to consider regarding end times. Many apologies for the gap again. We had computer problems and recently upgraded to a second-hand Windows 10 computer.
1. The Mark of the Beast is here! MORE and MORE.
2. The infrastructures around the world is collapsing due to a lack of maintenance. MORE.
3. AI is taking over your religion. MORE.
4. WWIII is getting bigger. MORE.
5. Hunger is on the rise. And so is lack of medication for the ill, debt and poverty. MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE.
6. Marriages are getting less and less. MORE.
7. The currently undercover World Government of the Antichrist is busy rising. MORE and MORE and MORE.
8. Drones are ready to fight. MORE.
9. Supermoons: 4 in a row coming NOW! Another sign that the end times are here... MORE.
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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