Breaking News: September 13, 2023
Greetings, friend!
Firstly, remember our ARTICLES service. This service INCLUDES a copy of our END TIMES articles and SPECIAL articles in the WEBSITE folder.
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Firstly, our latest articles are uploaded as we speak.
Secondly, please watch this video from a friend of us about the rapture called the Rapture Resurrection Report 2023:
We might not be here next week on September 25, 2023 to update you about this!
1. War in the Middle East is escalating. MORE and MORE.
2. WWIII is escalating. MORE and MORE and MORE.
3. Economic collapse is here. MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE.
4. Prophecies are fulfilling. MORE and MORE.
5. Persecution is escalating. MORE.
6. Controls are increasing. MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE and MORE.
8. Balm of Gilead is back. MORE.
9. More diseases are coming back. MORE.
The Messiah is coming to take His bride for the Marriage Supper are very, very, very eminent! Make sure you're ready for His return. 1. Does your heart belong to the Creator or someone or something else, even your own desires? 2. Are your daily, hourly, minutely intentions always to serve Him and Him alone? 3. Are any unbelief and misbelief removed from your life? Make sure NOW before it's too late! If you're not ready NOW, you'll have to be martyred to go to heaven after the Creator has taken the true believers away. We are NOT made for the time of the false Messiah / Antichrist! Rather be ready and go now than not be ready and have to decide at gunpoint to die for your faith (it can be VERY difficult then as chances are you would make the wrong decision)... And that counts whether you're a Christian, a Jew or a Muslim!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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