Stubborn or haughty?
Greetings, friend!
Are you stubborn or are you haughty? What is the difference?
Stubbornness is when you continue to do the right thing. It is associated with PATIENCE and HUMBLENESS.
Haughtiness is the opposite of stubbornness, but towards the negative side. It is associated with IMPATIENCE and BEING A BULLY. If you force yourself and your believes, good or bad, onto someone else, you are not stubborn, you are haughty! You may try again and again to convince the other person to conform to your way of doing things or your way of believing, but this could cause more problems than trying to win a person over. There are better ways!
As you can see stubbornness is GOOD and haughtiness is BAD.
Are you stubborn or are you haughty?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers and warners
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