The tower of Babel
Greetings, friend!
In the times shortly before the time of Abraham another ugly sin stuck out his head: witchcraft.
Just before the tower of Babel was constructed some angels that served Satan came to man and started to teach people witchcraft. They did say it is a grand trial and it is better not to even start with it, but you should know how man is: give him a challenge, good or bad, and most people would take it. Unfortunately this challenge was BAD, really BAD, and only a few saw that this was NOT from the Creator and stayed away totally. As part of the challenge they decided to challenge the Creator and started to build a tower to get closer to Him!
What happened next none of these offenders ever anticipated. The Creator brought punishment unto all of them and the half completed tower stood for many years as a warning about the Creator's judgment. He first confused them by altering their brains to start talking in different languages and not understand each other and eventually the perpetrators died in their sins and would receive their final judgment on Judgment Day when they will join Satan in the final punishment...
The problem with witchcraft is that it enslaves your soul and to get out from there is VERY difficult. And only the Creator can help you! If you are (or were) involved in witchcraft and you want to get out, get to a PENTECOSTAL CHURCH or a MOSQUE as soon as possible and go to the leader NOW!
Are you involved in witchcraft?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers and warners
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