Moses and Pharaoh (End)
Greetings, friend!
Pharaoh was one of the most stubborn and haughty fools I know. You would think after the death of his firstborn and heir to the throne he would acknowledge he is a sinner and let go of his past... But, no, this guy just became more arrogant and hardhearted!
Realizing that he just let a few million slaves walk free, he decided to pursue to kill them. But the Creator had other plans: the final punishment in this life for Pharaoh. After this he will appear in the Hereafter at the Judgment Throne to account for his sins!
The Israelites first trial started as they were driven into a corner near the Sea of Reeds (also know by some as the Red Sea) where there is a hidden underwater land bridge to the Sinai peninsula where the Creator plan to meet them for the forming of a new nation. As very few people knew about the land bridge, the Israelites thought the end has come. (Moses probably knew about it from his wanderings as a shepherd through the desert.)
At the right moment the Creator opened the water over the land bridge and the Israelites walk through on the raised solid sea bed to the Sinai peninsula with a raging Pharaoh in hot pursuit. The problem is he probably missed the bridge and landed in the water just as the waters closed over the land bridge - and drowned.
The Muslims and archaeologists would tell you more about what happened next (while the Israelites started their journey from the land bridge to Mount Sinai, the mountain of God): Pharaoh's dead body washed up on the shore and was shortly covered by the sea sand. It was found thousands of years later (in 1881 CE as detailed HERE) - fully preserved by the saltwater - with all the horror of dying without faith still embedded on his face! It is the worst kind of death - dying without faith and with the Angel of Death taking your soul!
Are you arrogantly think the world owes you a living? Are you thinking you would live forever? Are you thinking you are the best and nobody can touch you? Don't follow the ways of Pharaoh!
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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