Moses and Pharaoh Part 2
Greetings, friend!
What Pharaoh and the princess did not know is what would happen a few years later, when Moses grew up and became a man, through the Hand of the Creator...
Moses was reared in two households: that of his Israelite parent AND his Egyptian princess stepmother. As he grew older he start to realize how oppressed the Israelites were and how haughty the Egyptians were. And he resented his adopted nation more and more.
One day he walked in the hot afternoon desert sun and saw how an Egyptian mistreated an Israelite. Out of rage he accidentally killed the Egyptian. He buried the body and thought nobody saw him...
The next day he saw the same Israelite mistreated by another Egyptian. The Israelite asked him to help him again, but this time Moses realized that the Israelite actually incited the Egyptian both occasions and told the Israelite to stop being a troublemaker.
One of Egyptian supervisors that knew Moses told him that the Pharaoh wanted to call him to justice for the murder of the previous day and Moses started to fear for his life. So he fled to Midian where he met prophet and his family.
He agreed to look after the man's sheep and marry his daughter, Zipporah. She gave birth to a son called Gersom while he was still working for the prophet.
A few years later Moses heard the Pharaoh whose daughter adopted him has died, but the new Pharaoh was even worse than the previous one.
Moses met the Creator at the burning bush and received his mission and prophethood. The Creator told him to go to the new Pharaoh and to call the punishment over him because of his sins.
Moses complaint of a slurred tongue and asked the Creator for an assistant in the form of his older brother, Aaron. The Creator granted him his request.
The Creator gave Moses several signs to provide Pharaoh as proof of his calling and the eminent punishment.
Pharaoh was however so haughty that he actually challenged the Creator and called himself GOD while the sorcerers who saw the signs believed. They became martyrs at the hand of Pharaoh for their believe.
Pharaoh's haughtiness brought punishment on Egypt with the plagues: blood in the Nile, frogs, gnats, flies, livestock plague, boils, hail, locusts and three days darkness. When Pharaoh still don't want to repent and serve the Creator, the Creator took the firstborn of every living creature in Egypt except for those who painted blood on the doorposts to tell the Angel of Death that whomsoever lives there are serving the Creator.
The blood was part of the Passover rituals that the Creator started to remind the Israelites of their oppression and how the Creator took them out of the place of slavery to serve Him alone.
That night the Creator lead all the believing Israelites out of Egypt into the desert not just to a new live but to a time of testing...
Are you trusting the Creator? Have He called you to a new life? He will test your sincerity, but you have to go where He told you to go...
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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