Wednesday, September 30, 2020

David, prophet and second king of Israel (2)


David, prophet and second king of Israel (2)

Greetings, friend!

Shortly after this David became the king officially, but first a few things happened.

David was informed by a messenger of Saul's death - the same messenger told him HE killed Saul as Saul was still alive and obviously dying very slowly leaning on his sword. As proof he brought Saul's crown and armband to David. This sealed his own fate as he died at the hand of one of David's soldiers as stated by law since he killed an anointed man.

David mourned Saul and a short while later he was crowned king by Samuel in Hebron. He also renew the treaty with the people of Gilead as they buried Saul and his sons.

Saul's army anointed one of the remaining sons of Saul, Ish-Bosheth, as king without the blessing of Samuel and the Creator. He was king over 11 tribes for just two years. Only the tribe of Judah accepted David as king at that stage. A long war broke out between the two kingdoms until eventually by one of his men. The messenger brought Ish-Bosheth's head to David and met the same fate as the messenger that killed Saul.

The Israelites then came to David and anoint him king again - this time over all the tribes. Over the whole nation he conquered Jerusalem and made it his home town. He also defeated the Philistines and several other nations living within the borders of Israel.

There were only one more relative left in Saul's household - Mephibosheth, the son of Jonathan the son of Saul. David adopted him as he considered Jonathan as a brother. A few years later, Mephibosheth was killed by his own servant.

The other seven grandsons of Saul was killed as part of a revenge deal for breaking the covenant and treaty with the Gibeonites. fulfilling the prophecy of Samuel many years before when the Creator rejected Saul.

More of David's history can be read in the book of 1 Samuel in the Bible.

After a long reign David's children rebelled against him near the end of his life. More about that tomorrow.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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