Samuel's calling
Greetings, friend!
A descendant of Ephraim, Elkana, had two wives, Hannah and Peninnah. Peninnah had children, but Hannah was childless. Every year they would go to Shiloh where the tabernacle stood. He loved Hannah more despite the fact that she had no children. Because of this preference, Peninnah kept on provoking Hannah, but Hannah always kept on praying silently for the Creator's help.
One year she was really down and made a special prayer, quietly, crying to the Creator promising to dedicate any child to the Creator. The high priest saw her and thought she was drunk. She explained that she was making a special prayer and did not consume alcohol. Eli blessed her and asked the Creator to grant her her request. The Creator granted her her request and she had a son and called him Samuel, meaning, "Asked from the Creator".
For a few years she did not went up to Shiloh until she weaned Samuel. She took Samuel with the prescribed offering for the offering of the fulfillment of a vow. She went to high priest, Eli, and explained what happened a few years earlier and left Samuel with Eli according to her vow of dedication.
Eli's sons were wicked and were stealing from the animal and money offerings while Eli did not rebuke and condemn them.
One day an unknown prophet came to Eli with a message. The message was short and sweet: because Eli did not rebuke or condemn his sons, they would all three die on the same day AND the Ark of the Covenant would be taken by their enemies.
One night Samuel heard someone calling him. He thought it was Eli. After the third time, Eli realizes it is the Creator that wants to talk to the young boy. He told him to say, "Speak for your servant is listening," and then to listen to the message from the Creator. The Creator confirmed the previous prophecy and told Samuel it would happen shortly. The next morning Eli asked Samuel to repeat the message even if it is bad news. Eli accepted the message (instead of repenting).
Samuel's received prophecy was fulfilled shortly afterwards. The Philistines captured the Ark and killed the two sons of Eli. Eli died when the bad news was brought to him - he broke his neck falling backwards. Also, Eli's one daughter-in-law went into early labor and gave birth to a son which she called Ichabod, meaning, "The Glory of the Creator is gone."
The Ark migrated between several Philistine towns causing havoc everywhere it went 'cos of the people's sins and the holiness of the artifact. So they returned the Ark on a new wagon pulled by two young cows whose calves has been removed from them. The Angel of God lead the oxen back to town near Shiloh.
Samuel called a fast and a special cleansing ceremony. Samuel lead the Israelites out against the Philistines and subdued them. He became their judge and took the rounds for several years from town to town.
He had two sons, but they were not faithful to the Creator. So the elders came to Samuel to his house in Ramah and ask that he anoint a king for them. Samuel told them of the duties of a king and they, despite several warnings, insisted on having a king.
The Creator selected Saul as king and Samuel anointed him as king and gave his farewell speech as official judge and leader of the Israelites shortly afterwards.
Tomorrow we will talk about Saul.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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