Saul, first king of Israel
Greetings, friend!
The Creator selected Saul as king and Samuel anointed him as king and gave his farewell speech as official judge and leader of the Israelites shortly afterwards.
Saul enlisted 3,000 men for his army in Michmash and dispatched 1,000 of them to serve under his son, Jonathan in Benjamin. They attacked the Philistines, but when Samuel did not come for the ordained offering, Saul did it.
When Samuel did came and saw what Saul did, he told him that he won't be king for long. In the process of taking untold action, Saul lost 2,400 men - and they were without weapons as the Philistines killed all the blacksmiths.
Jonathan attacked the Philistines on hearing a dream of a Philistine soldier. His small weaponless army defeated them.
Saul attacked the Amalekites on command of the Creator to completely and defeated them, but saved their king, Agag. He then went to Carmel and set up a monument honoring himself. Samuel came after him and told him that because of the monument and the fact that Agag is still alive, the Creator rejected him as king.
Samuel went unwillingly back with Saul and Agag and after the offerings, Samuel killed Agag for his sins in front of the nation at Gilgal.
That was the last time Saul and Samuel saw each other. Saul continued to be king until the next king was shown and anointed publicly.
Samuel was told to anoint David as king. More about that tomorrow.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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