Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Esther, the righteous queen in exile


Esther, the righteous queen in exile

Greetings, friend!

Some of the people was still in exile. One of them was a woman called Esther.

During the reign of Xerxes who had a vast kingdom stretching from India to the Nile River, he disposed of his queen Vasti as she disobeyed him in front of his high officials. He then issued a search among the beautiful young women for a new queen.

Mordecai of Benjamin had a beautiful young cousin called Hadassah in Hebrew and Esther in Persian. She was an orphan and under his care. While in Susa, the capital of the Persian kingdom of Xerxes, he told her to hide the fact that she is also an Israelite. She was one of many girls selected for the beauty pageant. The eunuch in charge of the women liked her more than the other girls and had her separated from them and gave her special treatments.

When her turn came to be inspected by the king he liked her more than the other girls too - all of whom became concubines. So he crowned her the new queen immediately and gave a big banquet to introduce his new queen to the kingdom.

Mordecai became aware of a plot to kill the king and informed Esther. She told the king and said her guardian told her. This resulted in the conviction of the culprits. They were hanged for treason.

Another treason against the king AND the Israelites, that of Haman his high official, was also exposed by Mordecai. This is detailed in the Torah and the Bible in the book of Esther. This caused Esther to expose her identity to the king and Mordecai to be appointed high official in the place of the condemned Haman.

As an edict cannot be reversed (Haman enticed the king to destroy the Israelites), king Xerxes issued another for the Israelites to arm and protect themselves against the intended genocide. A festival was declared, Purim, and are still observed today.

After the failed genocide Mordecai was raised further in rank to second to the king and he looked after the affairs of the Israelites in exile.

Another man in exile, Job, had a unique story. More about that tomorrow.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly? Are you serving other gods? (There is a message about idolatry among my messages...) Are you rebellious and opposing the work of the Creator? Are you jealous of those who serve the Creator?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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