Isaiah, prophet of the Creator
Greetings, friend!
Isaiah son of Amoz, a priest that lived in Judah and in exile, received several prophetic messages. (Remember prophetic messages are NOT necessary chronological, both in nature or recording.)
His messages summarized are:
1. Israel is a rebellious nation performing heartless rituals and will be punished, but if they repent, they will be forgiven.
2. Jerusalem will prosper again, but his people will rebel again.
3. The Day of the Creator will come, at the end of days, when rebellious nations will try and hide from the Creator's wrath.
4. Jerusalem will rebel again and would be burned to the ground in punishment.
5. A remnant will remain in Jerusalem and would not be rebellious.
6. Woes and judgment announced for the rebellious.
7. Isaiah's main calling came in the temple while Isaiah performed his duties. He was given a message that the northern part of Israel will go in exile.
8. Isaiah was sent to Ahaz, righteous king of Judah (the southern part of Israel), who was at war against the northern part of Israel and Aram. He was told that there won't be a long war as the Creator would take them into exile. As a sign, a virgin would give birth to a boy and he must be called Immanuel. When the boy become of age to know right and wrong (about six years later), the exile of the northern section of Israel will be complete.
9. Assyria will be the hand of the Creator's punishment against the northern parts of Israel.
10. A prophecy against mediums and spiritists and those who consult them to consult the dead. This is a grave sin.
11. A prophecy of the coming of a mighty prophet - some would say this is Jesus and others Mohammad the last prophet. (My opinion: there are merits in both arguments...)
12. Assyria's judgment foretold.
13. A remnant of the whole nation of Israel will return.
14. A prophecy of the coming of another mighty prophet, but this one is for the end of days. It could be the same one of #11 or a different one.
15. Babylon will fall and Israel will return.
16. A prophecy against Moab.
17. A prophecy against Damascus.
18. A prophecy against Cush, the southern parts of Egypt & Ethiopia.
19. A prophecy against Egypt.
20. A prophecy against Edom.
21. A prophecy against Arabia / Kedar.
22. A prophecy against Jerusalem.
23. A prophecy against Tyre.
24. The Creator is going to lay waste the whole earth and most of the people will die, because they have sinned greatly and never repented. A remnant will remain and return to the Creator.
25. The whole of Israel will blossom again.
26. Woe to Ephraim (the most northern and eastern part - on the eastern side of the Jordan River - of Israel corresponding to Iran and Iraq today).
27. The Creator will deliver Israel. A great trumpet will sound and Israelites from all over the world will gather in Jerusalem.
28. Woe to Ariel, the old citadel of David.
29. Woe to the obstinate and rebellious children of Israel, especially those who rely on Egypt and other world powers.
30. A prophecy about a righteous king for Israel.
31. A prophecy against the rebellious women of Jerusalem.
32. Woe to the destroyers for the Creator will destroy them and help the righteous.
33. Judgment to come over all the nations.
34. Judgment against Sennacherib, king of Assyria.
35. Healing of Hezekiah's illness.
36. Hope for the Creator's people.
37. The Servant of the Creator - another prophecy about a mighty prophet.
38. Only the Creator can save Israel.
39. a prophecy against the idols of Babylon.
40. The fall of Babylon.
41. A prophecy against the stubborn children of Israel.
42. Zion will be restored, but they have to be punished for their rebelliousness first.
43. A prophecy about the great Day of Judgment.
These and more prophecies are recorded in the book of Isaiah in the Torah and the Bible.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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