Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Solomon, prophet and third king of Israel (3)


Solomon, prophet and third king of Israel (3)

Greetings, friend!

Solomon had a rebellion near the end of his life and that resulted in a split kingdom after his death.

Jerobeam son of Nebat, one of Solomon's officials and in charge of his labor force, met the prophet Ahijah on the way to Shiloh. Ahijah was wearing a new cloak. When he saw Jerobeam he tore the cloak into twelve pieces and gave Jerobeam ten of the twelve pieces with the message that ten tribes will follow him after Solomon's death. This is due to the fact that idolatry has entered the household of Solomon thru some of his wives and concubines (he had thousands!). He also told Jerobeam that as long as he stays on the straight path his family will always have someone on the throne.

After his rebellion Jerobeam fled to Egypt waiting for Rehobeam, the son of Solomon, to ascent the throne of his father.

What happened after Solomon's death between Rehobeam and Jerobeam set the stage for the split of Israel into Israel and Judah. More about that tomorrow.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly? Are you serving other gods? (There is a message about idolatry among my messages...) Are you rebellious?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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