End of days 15: Trumpet 3
Greetings, friend!
Today I am speaking about the third trumpet of Revelation 8.
John saw something a great star blazing like a torch fell from the sky. It was called Wormwood. It turned a third of the water bitter and undrinkable causing death because the water turned to poison.
What is wormwood?
Wormwood is a bitter herb known for being an ingredient in absinthe. While it isn't hallucinogenic, its plant compound thujone can be toxic and even fatal in large amounts.
Source: healthline.com
This "star" is already discovered. It is called Apophis, a so-called near-earth object or asteroid traveling very close to Earth. In 2029 it will be observable with the naked eye in the sky as it will cross at about 10% of the distance between the Earth and the moon. It visits our planet's neighborhood EVERY YEAR at different distances. The next visit will be in April 2021 at a comfortable distance and NASA would study it from a distance. Read more about it on Earthsky.
Next time we will discuss the fourth trumpet of Revelation 8 verse 12 and what this might be.
Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?
Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!
You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!
Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator
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