Tuesday, January 05, 2021

End of days 16: Trumpet 4


End of days 16: Trumpet 4

Greetings, friend!

Today I am speaking about the fourth trumpet of Revelation 8.

John saw the sun dim. A third of the sun went dark and with that a third of the stars went dark and a third of the day went dark.

This is NOT the start of helium fusion in the sun (that already happened under the six seal. This is a continuation of the previous trumpet. As part of the aftermath of the asteroid struck the sky is covered in thick dark clouds that covers a third of the Earth's atmosphere causing more chaos as plants don't get enough sunlight to grow properly. This would increase the carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and the overall temperature. This would be the start of a runaway greenhouse effect and the same that happened to Venus - currently a dry, super hot and barren world.

John also saw an angel announcing that the next three trumpets are three woes.

Next time we will discuss the fifth trumpet and first woe of Revelation 9 verse 1 to 12 and what this might be.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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