Wednesday, January 06, 2021

End of days 17: Trumpet 5


End of days 17: Trumpet 5

Greetings, friend!

Today I am speaking about the fifth trumpet and first woe of Revelation 9.

John saw a star (an angel) falling from the sky that was given a key to the Abyss. He opened the Abyss and smoke appeared like a gigantic furnace. Out of the smoke locusts appeared with the power of scorpions. These special creatures were told to torture the people who haven't received a seal mark from the Creator. (This shows us that there are still believers left though probably not a lot.) These creatures looks like battle horses with stings in their tails like scorpions. Their ruler's name is Abaddon (or Apollyon in Greek).

Many people make assumptions about this woe as it is still to happen. One of these are to draw a parallel between this description and drones, especially the drones of the US army that are called locusts. This is possible as these drones can attack people remotely and also deliver things like viruses. The coming Antichrist / false Messiah may use these to control and guard his subjects.

Other interpretations are possible.

Next time we will discuss the sixth trumpet and second woe of Revelation 9 verse 13 to 21 and what this might be.

Are you doing what the Creator wants you to do? Or are you deviating from His orders, even if it just slightly?

Forgiveness and a new life is waiting for you!

You would know what to do... GO AND DO IT NOW!

Metusalah and Elias
Messengers of the Creator



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